How to protect your financial planning & status

Protect your financial planning/status during a significant life change - Resourceful DadsWould you know or understand where to start with your family financial planning if your significant other passed away? What if you separate? In relationships, there is normally one person who sets up and manages the daily, monthly or annual finances. The unknowns are terrifying, as a result a list of questions immediately come to mind.

  1. Are we set up to auto-pay these bills?
  2. When are these bills due?
  3. How do I login to check these financial accounts?
  4. Do we have any other accounts I am not aware of?
  5. What other assets do we have that I don’t know about?

This is the primary reason we keep this form, and update it quarterly to file away with our finances folder. It’s a great resource in a time of need and is peace of mind having a tangible copy (not subject to hackers), locked away in our safe. Click the link below for a free printable form that we utilize and recommend, and lets hope you never need to use it.

Financial Account Log

The goal is 100% financial transparency. Go achieve.

Don't get caught with your pants down, fill out this printable form today to protect your financials!