How Yoga Changed My Life: A Man’s Perspective

?Colored yoga matsI decided to try yoga.

How did I get involved with yoga? A question I continually ask myself as I reflect back on the experience. For sitting at a desk all day as a web developer/programmer, I’m in fairly decent shape. My weekly routine calls for 3 – 4 YMCA visits per week, almost always a high intensity class such as Bootcamp, HIIT, TRX, and kettle bell. You know, get your heart rate up in the minimum amount of time type of workouts. Yoga has never been on my list of things to try. The group I roll with convinced me it would be a great workout, and I would walk away ‘centered’, whatever that means.

No idea what to expect.

If you are not early, you are late. This is what I grew up believing, and there is some truth to it in the right scenario. Arriving early to yoga just meant I was the only one in the room awkwardly standing and stretching for about 10 minutes. I also had no idea my fellow yoga’ers would be bringing their own mat, did not get this memo and grabbed a gently used one from the closet of the Y. We’re ready now!

Out of place, and a bit creepy.

What have I gotten into? The room in silent with soft music playing while we move through some basic poses and breathing. I’m now working hard to keep up and staring down almost the entire time, because we all know yoga pants are basically a requirement in yoga and I’m a married man. All of a sudden the girl in front of me grabs her stuff and moves back to the side of me. Not awkward or obvious at all, thanks for that! I now feel like a creeper, and to make things worse I realize I am the only yoga’er with shoes on. Don’t mind me! Shoe yoga could be the next big thing?

Sense of class.

?The sessions is is wrapping up, and we’re now laying down flat and focusing on breathing. As I lay there I can’t help but think the experience was good and definitely relaxing, not to mention the show I gave as a newbie. Leaving the building I have an overwhelming urge to purchase a scarf or pea-coat, what has this done to me?!

How yoga changed my life: a man's perspective - Resourceful Dads